August 20, 2014

Many expectant mothers are gaining weight

Fluvia Lacerda came to New York as a teenager and worked as a nurse before her landmark meeting happened on the bus. Since choir Flavia - a successful woman working in the fashion industry, advertising fashionable designer clothes and beautiful lingerie for full ladies. In addition, she works with several fashion houses at the same time, acted in commercials, is involved in the shoot.

Katya Zharkova (1981)

• Height - 178 cm
• Chest - 108 cm
• Waist - 84 cm
• Hips - 112 cm
• Weight - 84 kg

Many expectant mothers during pregnancy are gaining excess weight. Catherine was born in Minsk. Already at age 14 she enrolled in a modeling agency. Moved to Moscow, she worked on TV producer, was TV presenter. In 2009 Zharkov Russia won the competition "sweet woman."

She graduated from the Institute of Culture and Art in Moscow, but training is not finished. Her plan is to get a degree of Doctor of Science. Catherine tries him also as a fashion model and actress.

Stereotypes of women and men began to collapse due to the phenomenon of complete models on the catwalks of beauty. No wonder he, Jean-Paul Gaultier noticed that became less interested designers and couturiers. They are dislodged fat ladies, showing perfect female body in all its glory.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 03:34 PM | Comments (3090) | Add Comment
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Weight secrets from celebrities

Crystal Renn - the model with the highest fees. She had to go through the agony of starvation, to conquer the world podium. As a teenager, she was noticed by a professional agent, wanted talent. Crystal said categorically: she loses weight or almost a third part of his or her will have to forget all about the modeling career.

She began a grueling path is not the healthiest diets, as later recounted in the book "Hungry." As a result, health Crystal was rapidly deteriorating. In the nervous system, it not only lost weight, but gained extra pounds. To help desperate girl came agent who suggested the idea to advertise clothes to complete. Overweight Rennes became the lodestar by which she is now rich and famous.

Whitney Thompson (of 26.09.1987)

• Height - 178 cm
• Chest - 91 cm
• Waist - 81 cm
• Hips - 108 cm
• Weight - 75 kg

Before Whitney Thompson became famous because of the show Tyra Banks' Top Model American ", she worked in the modeling industry at the local level in Florida. By participating in the show, Thompson had to go through harsh criticism of judges and the prosecution of insincerity. She showed everyone that is capable of, and by the end of the competition jury has no doubt who will be the next winner.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 03:21 PM | Comments (587) | Add Comment
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How to take a bath with mustard

How to take a bath with mustard? This can be done to "test" the skin: on hand (back) to put on a half hour and then spice rinse with warm water. If the skin is reddened and turned red the next day, then, mustard bath you can take.

Carry out the procedure only strictly allotted period of time, not longer. You can only take a bath in underwear. Eat food should be one hour prior to the procedure and within an hour after it. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening, before bedtime.

Sit in the bath to be careful that the water level does not exceed the area of the heart. Listen to your own feelings. If the pulse becomes more frequent, and the general condition becomes worse, the procedure should be immediately discontinued. Do not repeat attempts, most likely you will not take a bath.

Need to finish the bath warm pleasant shower without using soap suds or shower gel to wash not mustard, soak into the skin of the body. Then wipe with a soft towel terry, wear warm nightwear and lie down to rest. To the shock impact on cellulite, cellulite cream can be consumed; recall that against orange peel cannot do without sports or fitness, healthy eating and proper.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 02:54 PM | Comments (1889) | Add Comment
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The use of Sassy water to lose weight

All the ingredients of sassy water are placed in one basin and cover with water; the resulting cocktail place in refrigerator for 15 hours, e.g. overnight. All of the vitamins and minerals are combined with water. These hours will be enough to fully process the compound occurred, an output of a vitamin-mineral cocktail. It has useful, tasty and invigorating.

Recipe citrus water - For its preparation you need to take:

• Purified water - 2L;
• Mandarin (instead of mandarin orange or lemon) - 1 piece.
• Sage, lemon verbena, mint - 2-4 leaves.

Citrus Wash, wipe and cut into small pieces. Leaves or grass to cut or tear. All products are folded into a container, cover with water and refrigerate. Cocktail should infuse approximately 15-18 hours.

Rules for the use of water Sassy

• All ingredients used must be of high quality.
• All products were washed well with water; only with cucumber and ginger root peel.
• Ginger should be cut or rub just before cooking drink, and not in advance.
• If there is wax on cucumber film, it is necessary to wash the apple vinegar, rinse with water and wipe with a rough towel.
• Strongly recommended to leave water Sassy or in a warm place where the sun's rays fall - cocktail nutrients begin to break down and it gets messed up.
• Keep drink only in opaque container. For these purposes, perfect ceramic jug.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 02:44 PM | Comments (609) | Add Comment
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Strength training along with weight loss

For strength training the mandatory rest between sets must be 2 minutes. Walking, step or other aerobic exercise, pay not less than 30 minutes (three to five times a week). Follow the rule change regularly complex workouts, otherwise used to it. You can change and exercise, and their order, and quantity. Stick to our recommendations, and updated slender body will please you for years to come!

How to lose weight without dieting for teenagers - Modern teens as adult category of people who are increasingly faced with the problem of excess weight; this may be related to the unhealthy lifestyle and hormonal changes in the body, the effects of which are various troubles, including overweight. Is it possible to lose weight without dieting teenager and fasting?

Find out the cause of excess weight - If those extra pounds "grow" in a strong pace, you should immediately run to the doctor and find out the reason. When the doctor found no violations do without treatment. When health status significantly improved, then you can begin to study the root causes of their excess weight and to get rid of him.

If you are overweight - this is only the result of improper diet and lifestyle, you need to change the diet and schedule of the day. Adolescents in this plan are easier than people older age category. Metabolism in the young organism is faster, so only build mode and power quality.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 02:30 PM | Comments (661) | Add Comment
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Vegetable oil abuse leads to the accumulation of fatty acids

Vegetable oil abuse leads to the accumulation of fatty acids in the cells, and the poisoning of the oxidation products. Olive oil is an exception since it contains the smallest amount of PUFA, and can be used even in large quantities useful nutrients rich sunflower, corn, olive and soybean oils.

Fats in cooking - On vegetable oils cannot fry long since destroyed at high temperature all the useful properties and accumulate oxidation products that are harmful to health. It is recommended to use for fast frying, such as vegetable saute, frying fish, dough products, as well as salad dressings, vinaigrettes. The oil remaining after roasting cannot be used for further cooking. In cooking often used oils: sunflower, olive, cottonseed, peanut and soybean, and pastry cooking used sesame and walnut; bakery is mustard.

• Sunflower oil - suitable for all types of cooking: cooking, baking, salad dressings.
• Olive oil - contains a huge amount of monounsaturated fatty acids. Its beneficial properties are used for the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
• Corn oil - suitable for salads; contains linoleic acid and vitamin E.
• Linseed oil - contains alpha-linolenic acid; it is used for constipation.
• Pumpkin Seed Oil - contains nutrients and vitamins.
• Soybean oil - known beneficial properties; contains lecithin, which influences the level of cholesterol in the blood.
• Mustard oil - has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 02:18 PM | Comments (1848) | Add Comment
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Composition of fats includes saturated animal fats

Composition of fats includes saturated animal fats, solid high molecular weight with lower molecular weight and consistency - with a liquid consistency. Saturated fatty acids adversely affect fat metabolism and increased cholesterol.

Unsaturated fats - contain edible fats, such as oleic acid is present in almost all kinds of fats (animal and plant), and contributes to the stabilization of cholesterol and fat metabolism. Polyunsaturated (PUFA) fats - are important elements in the formation of cell membranes, connective tissues. With insufficient PUFA:

• Processes develop atherosclerotic nature;
• Reduced resistance to adverse factors, both external and internal;
• Reduced reproductive function;
• There are problems with blood vessels.

The following types of fats: animal, vegetable and marine fish. Substances that make up fats:

• Phospholipids - bioactive substances are involved in the flow of body fat; synthesize their kidneys and liver;
• Lecithin - promotes the breakdown and removal of cholesterol from the body;
• Sterols - divided into zoosterols (main zoosterols -) cholesterol and phytosterols;
• Vitamins A, D, E;
• Pigments: carotene, gossypol.

Animal fats - Rich in vitamins A and D, which are required by the body, and no other products; in animal fats containing saturated fatty acids (effect on refractoriness) and cholesterol due to the refractory qualities of saturated acids poorly digested by the body. Cholesterol affects atherosclerosis. Animal fats found in butter, ghee, margarine.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 02:06 PM | Comments (879) | Add Comment
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Appropriate diet program for weight loss

Ultimate Herpes Protocol Review's diet is contraindicated during severe stress and intense exercise. The second version of the diet on the tomato juice; this option is best used as a handling days before longer slimming programs.

The first and second day - For the whole day I may use 1 cup tomato, 2 rye crackers, 1 liter of yogurt or milk additionally allowed to consume pure non-carbonated water and sweet tea or coffee. Crackers and tomato juice can be consumed at breakfast and throughout the day to drink yogurt.

Third Day


• Tomato juice - 1 cup;
• Apples-2 pieces.;
• Pears - 2 pieces.


• Tea or coffee;
• Grain bread - 30 g;
• Fat cottage cheese - '50

You can add cheese or pepper and salt to make sandwiches with cheese.


• White meat poultry or white fish - 100g;
• Brown rice - 100 g;
• Glass of juice;
• Slightly steamed vegetables.

Snack: apple.

Dinner: Dinner should consist of 50 grams of rice, 100 grams of beef or veal and 1 cup tomato juice. Evening meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Cons diet on tomato juice - Due to the limitation of fat not only ensures the daily requirement of a minimum set of protein. This diet is not balanced and is able to slow down the metabolic processes in the body.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 01:48 PM | Comments (1190) | Add Comment
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Daily rate of carbohydrate to reduce weight

Daily rate of carbohydrate - The ideal amount of carbohydrates is considered income for almost 60% of calories daily diet. 1 gram contains 4 calories. It is believed that the daily human need for carbohydrates - 50 g.

Do we need carbohydrates for weight loss? If you want to lose weight, then you should clearly understand what you need to include carbohydrates in the diet. The human digestive system is arranged so that the digest not only carbohydrates, but also dietary fiber and nutrients.

These products include: fruits, vegetables, cereals, beans, brown rice and whole grains, which form complex carbohydrates.

Products that have been processed (sugar, white flour pastries, cereals, etc.) are simple carbohydrates and have a low percentage of nutrients. As a result of their consumption of the body receives a large amount of unnecessary calories, which is not possible to recycle all. Their excess is converted into fat; also formed in the body lack of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

The conclusion from the foregoing suggests itself. Try to include food products with more complex carbohydrates; for example, for breakfast, sweet coffee with a muffin better replaced by porridge of whole grain crops, which is able to maintain energy throughout the day, bringing benefits to the body.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates functions content, degree of importance - The basis of our food are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, each of which performs an important function for the full life of the organism.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 01:35 PM | Comments (780) | Add Comment
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How to lose weight with protein diet

How to lose weight with protein diet? Weight reduction should occur due to loss of adipose tissue, but not muscle. Optimal weight loss: a loss of adipose tissue and increase muscle mass, which can be achieved sufficient protein intake, along with physical activity.

Low calorie diet with a small amount of protein lead to slower metabolism and loss of muscle mass, which is the main consumer of energy. It is believed that for day 1 kg of muscle mass requires 20 Kcal. But if a low-fat diet and it contains protein products in sufficient quantity, the observed activation of metabolism. Physical activity combined with this diet leads to muscle growth and facilitate the transition of the organism to normal diet.

Anyone who wants to lose weight with a low-calorie diets are unbalanced, you must remember the following rule: "you cannot take a similar diet and engage in intense exercise. Weight after the diet will return with a "surplus." System with partial replacement of food (SCHZP) can provide the proper balance of nutrients, all without exception.

In addition, they ensure the effectiveness of physical activity during a diet. Protein metabolism requires more water than any other food components. So the body does not dehydrate you should drink 2.5 liters of water a day, especially sticking to a low calorie diet.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 01:23 PM | Comments (1410) | Add Comment
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Health and Nutrition

The first line of defense in health and nutrition is learning to understand what your body communicates prior to illness which means paying attention to physical and emotional symptoms. There is an old saying you are what you eat, feel and think.
We are always given learning opportunities weather it be painful or blissful it's what you do with those experiences that define our outcome. I received a jolt in the summer of 1994 when I became ill at work. An ambulance was called and when all tests were completed at the hospital I was told I had no potassium in my body. Potassium is one of the electrolytes or salts within our bodies.

With a blank stare on my face the attending physician explained you can die without potassium however the specifics of what that really meant were never conveyed to me. By late winter of 1997 a similar episode once again occurred this time my doctor arranged for a glucose test to determine if I had hypoglycemia also called low blood sugar which is the opposite end of diabetes. The test results came back positive and my doctor at that time gave me reading material related to nutrition, a bill and sent me on my merry way.

No referrals to a nutritionist were ever offered. However back then I really did not know what it meant to be hypoglycemic. All I knew was that I was experiencing constant headaches for years and nobody knew why. And my family kept telling me they were migraines. After much research I learned hypoglycemia can be passed on through family DNA but it can also be created and being no one in my immediate family or any other relatives had it. I began looking at my family's eating habits as well as my own and discovered a pattern.

Apparently excessive exercise, emotional stress along with improper eating habits can deplete electrolytes and over time create hypoglycemia. One of the main remedies for this is by simply eating six tiny meals throughout the day to keep the blood sugar level stabilized along with a high fiber diet which is necessary but even if you don't have hypoglycemia it is also much healthier because it assists in keeping foods within our stomachs consistently for basic reasons it eliminates hunger pains, gas and helps to maintain energy.

This is actually a proven fact. However while most individuals do not eat this way simple due to family learned traits and life styles the long term affects of dysfunctional eating habits and stress on our physical bodies plays host to the eventual break down of our vitality especially when an individual constantly skips meals and relies on fast and fried foods as well as candy bars for sustenance. And as resilient as our physical bodies are they will always provide symptomatic signals of oncoming illness but it is also your responsibilities to recognize what you're feeling prior to the illness. And if you're eating junk food all the time you really are leaving yourself open to multiple levels of illness to occur.

Some basic things to look for even when you think everything is ok. Darkness under the eyes often signifies the colon requires cleansing, discoloration of skin and eye floaters are just some of the symptom traits.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 01:04 PM | Comments (36) | Add Comment
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August 19, 2014

Treatment of the herpes disease in men

Herpes on the genital area of man - When genital herpes is assigned to a complex treatment with antivirals, immunomodulators and fortifying agent; traditional treatment can be combined with the treatment of traditional medicines.

Genital herpes - the disease in 80% of cases caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2, and in 20% of cases of herpes simplex virus type 1 manifested by single or grouped skin rash sexual organs and cause pain, itching and burning. What to do when a virus on the glans genital area?

Treatment of the herpes disease - It is necessary to say at once that current treatments do not completely get rid of HSV. The molecules of the virus to the end of life will remain in the nerve cells of the patient, and with a decrease in immunity are activated, causing a relapse.  Ultimate Herpes Protocol

Treatment accelerates the healing of disease, reduces the risk of relapse and reduce the isolation of the pathogen, but cannot completely destroy it. The basic principle of treatment of genital herpes is to assign a set of measures aimed at suppressing the activity of the molecules of the virus, increasing the immune defense and strengthening the body.

Antiviral therapy includes drugs for systemic effects, such as "Acyclovir", "Valacyclovir" and "Famciclovir" dosage of drugs and duration of treatment determined by the physician. Glans genital area and other localization rash treated with antiviral creams and ointments on the basis of acyclovir - "Acyclovir" and "Zovirax". The most effective anti-viral agent is a gel of plant origin "Panavir."

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 05:38 AM | Comments (107) | Add Comment
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August 18, 2014

Why do allergies occur

Male and female hormones beneficial effect on blood flow through the arteries that nourish the heart muscle; if it comes in a period of transition to a decline in s*x- hormones also increase the risk of heart disease and blood vessels.

This can result in life-threatening conditions, such as heart attack or stroke. This can, however, to some extent, prevent compliance with a healthy diet. Sufficient exercise, sleep and the right combination of appropriate foods natural resources can alleviate many symptoms of menopause and andropause, "explained Peter Galle from VEGALL Pharma Company that offers women a natural product for menopause.

Why do allergies occur? The eternal question: Can allergies affect? What can we do if the allergy hereditary? A person who inherits available to allergy is called atopic. The problem may occur with eczema, hay fever, asthma and many other allergic symptoms.

At the beginning at conception is just the disposition and gradually add the factors that amplify and accelerate the manifestation of allergy or vice versa consolidates the regulatory mechanisms and allergy symptoms do not appear.

The thing is, how the pregnant mother, nutritional, lifestyle he leads are, the condition has allergic reactions, etc. Then after birth remains a mother and child in the closest connection, the baby is breastfed, so they still operate influences that were listed.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 01:55 PM | Comments (808) | Add Comment
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Basic concepts about lactose

Basic concepts:

• Lactose = Lactase enzyme needed to process lactose
• Lactose intolerance = inability to process lactose

Today, we meet with rather secondary lactase deficiency, due to frequent disease of the small intestine, where there are changes in the structure of the mucosa, a lot going on infectious diseases. Lactase enzyme is vulnerable small intestine mucosa. Genetic isolation may still be missing such as sucrase, etc..

When there is no milk sugar lactose due to the lack of the enzyme hydrolyzed in the small intestine, it is moved down into the large intestine and there develops its osmotic action consequently, releasing water into the intestinal lumen. Osmotic effects are additionally increased by colon bacteria digested milk sugar fatty acid with a short chain, which then generate an acidic pH of faeces. This leads to the so-called osmotic diarrhea with huge bloating and abdominal cramps

Determine next diagnosis of clinical manifestations also elimination - exposure test (CST), evaluation was carried out before blood glucose levels for 15-30-60 and 90 minutes after drinking the solution, 50 ml of lactose in 500 ml of water. Evidence of lactase deficiency is the rise of blood glucose less than 1 mmol / l. Diagnosis then also added intestinal biopsy.

Today, the use of modern, non-invasive procedure - breath tests, both H2 test (breath hydrogen test), where in the exhaled air increases the concentration of hydrogen resulting bacterial decomposition undigested lactose in the colon and stable carbon isotope 13C, after administration of 13C-labeled - lactose or a combination of both.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 01:10 PM | Comments (39) | Add Comment
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Appropriate microbiological therapy properly colonize the intestine

We can approach appropriate microbiological therapy properly colonize the intestine, so we can regulate right from the first months of life, infants of atopic how much they will begin to promote described atopy. For example, from about 4 months of age can begin to regularly report Lactobacillus in baby.

But the move comes too late - five minutes after twelve: Much better is to launch a microbiological treatment during pregnancy - perhaps the last three months before birth - that is five minutes to twelve. Ten-year observation of the effect of Symbiosis between Lactobacillus confirms this but absolutely the best solution is to be initiated therapy before conception occurs to a child where one parent is atopic. Where both parents are atopic, this procedure is more than desirable.

If the parents who are carriers of atopy, planning to become pregnant, then begin preparing the proper settlement of the intestine administration probiotic for a period of 10 days and enough; this time is sufficient to make the intestine create appropriate conditions for the settlement of probiotics and can now be used - Lactobacilli and just take one capsule daily. It is suitable alkalizing diet, adequate fluid intake and stay stress-free environment. The last child needs - atopic most.

Tinnitus is the medical term for tinnitus, which may be stronger or weaker, and may vary in different intervals. This disease is due to their nature very demanding on the psyche of the patient. It's actually audible hallucinations.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 01:00 PM | Comments (57) | Add Comment
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Herpes zoster observed asymmetric appearance of rash - Melanie Addington

Typically, portions associated with herpes become bright pink color, and swell. After 2-3 days on-site swelling appear specific painful blisters with clear fluid, which after a while becomes turbid. After 7-8 days vesicles dry up. In their place, a yellow-brown crust, and after it is saved dropout light pigmentation.

With herpes zoster observed asymmetric appearance of rash (only on one side of the body). A characteristic feature of the disease is the localization of lesions along the nerves, mainly intercostal and trigeminal. In some cases, severe pain in the nerve is preserved for a long time after the disappearance of the rash (postherpetic neuralgia).

Atypical forms of the disease - In some cases, herpes zoster occurs without bright display symptoms characteristic of the disease. As a rule, it can be uncomplicated for easy and virtually painless, does not cause much trouble to the patient; when abortive form of the disease there is a complete absence of pain and specific rash.

But sometimes there are severe manifestations of the disease, leading to undesirable consequences. For example, if the cystic form of herpes zoster rash appears small, then transform into large bubbles for hemorrhagic disease characterized by bloody contents of bubbles, and gangrenous form - the surrounding tissue necrosis at the site which after recovery scarring. More detailed information about herpes cure and treatment is described in Melanie Addington program.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 07:48 AM | Comments (54) | Add Comment
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What is herpes zoster - Melanie Addington Review

If you go to a doctor too late or virus acquired acute extensive distribution and hit the skin or mucous membranes, then you will put 5 vials of vaccine to produce immunity. Additionally, the doctor prescribes immunomodulators, immunostimulants, and multivitamin.

Despite the fact that the medicine is not in place, and developing new pharmaceuticals, none of them is able to completely destroy the herpes virus, so if you diagnose the disease you have to go through repeated courses of systemic antiviral therapy and maintain the immune system.

What is herpes zoster - Herpes zoster (shingles) is a viral disease that affects the skin and peripheral nerves. Illness manifests a number of unpleasant symptoms and gives a person discomfort.

How do you get shingles - The disease is caused by the herpes virus type 3 (herpes zoster). Usually affects people previously undergone chickenpox, which is the causative agent of the same microorganism. In the presence of precipitating factors (nervous stress, decreased immunity) the agent is activated and contributes to the appearance of the skin characteristic rash.

Upon contact with the patient to a healthy baby shingles dramatically increases the risk of the typical form of chickenpox. In some patients the disease can manifest itself again.

Clinical signs of disease - Shingles are characterized by acute onset, manifested general malaise and fever. Soon there is soreness of the skin, explains the involvement of the peripheral nerves of the face, head, abdomen and arms.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 07:32 AM | Comments (41) | Add Comment
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July 03, 2014

Melanie Addington Scam or Not? - Food For Boosting The Immune System

Your immune system is strong enough to cope with all bacteria and viruses around you. The consumption of foods rich in certain substances is a good way for you and your family to stay healthy, especially during the season, when more than 200 viruses that cause colds and flu, our "leverage."

A strong immune system is the best defense against pathogenic organisms that can make you sick. Fortunately, there are foods that may be all you need to keep you and your loved ones healthy this winter.
Read who they are and surprise your family with tasty preparation, stimulation recipe, which we offer you:

Fish and seafood

For a strong immune system consume fish at least twice a week, experts advise. They are suitable sardine, salmon, herring and mackerel. Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their positive effect on the immune system and decrease the inflammatory processes in the body. They increase the activity of also the white blood cells, called macrophages, which engulf the problematic bacteria.

Bet on proteins

Zinc, a mineral that is found in abundance in various meat products such as beef liver, beef and lamb meat, act with the proteins in meat for boosting the immune system. In practice, certain types of cells, including white blood cells, cannot function without zinc. Proteins may obtain and from chicken meat, fish, eggs. If you're a vegetarian, you can get zinc from whole grains. Ultimate Herpes Protocol Review

Consume leafy vegetables every day

Cabbage and spinach, for example, are an excellent source of vitamin e, this "watchdog" of the immune system, which normally get more than the Sun in the summer. Recent studies show that vitamin d protects you from coughing co-workers, while higher doses are used successfully in the treatment of certain serious diseases such as osteoporosis and multiple sclerosis.

Plug in your menu citrus-Kiwi, grapefruit and oranges

They are a great source of vitamin c-antioxidant″t, which for a long time know that it is a powerful tool in fighting colds and flu. It also contains in the cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, hot peppers and broccoli.
Now is also the time for "hatching of seeds"
Sunflower seeds (and the almonds too) not only deliver vitamin e, an antioxidant that destroys free radicals and keep the skin soft and young, but are also a great source of saturated fatty acids, which the body means that "all systems are functioning normally."

Eat garlic!

Those cloves have ever worn by Garland in order to protect themselves from disease, superstition, which actually has a scientific rationale. Consumption of garlic has a big advantage for bolster immune defenses. In addition, the consumption of garlic usually means that people will keep their distance from you, and this is desirable, especially during flu.
The Onion is also a renowned immune-Stimulator.


An annual survey of the University of California shows that people who have consumed daily 3-4 cups of yogurt, had 25% fewer colds than those who are not. The reason is that yogurt driven the production of a substance called gamma-interferon, which helps stop the reproduction of viruses.

Dehydration can also cause weakening your immunity. Drink 8 glasses of fluids a day, and if you are really sick-double the quantity.
Finally, don't overlook the power of carbohydrates from whole grains, potatoes and legumes. Our bodies need energy and when carbohydrates are not enough, the body becomes a "Cannibal" by "eating itself"-i.e. takes what he gets from other places and so reduces their own forces and safeguard resources against impudent germs and microbes.

Posted by: Elizabeth Chris at 06:35 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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